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How To Hack Anyone's Whatsapp Account

3 Ways To Hack Whatsapp Account 2017

At the moment, there are 1.3 billion Whatsapp users. This is a significant increase if you know that in 2016, the number was 1 billion.
Obviously, due to simplicity and functionality, we can only assume that the number of users will go in one direction only, up!
But, this also means that a higher number of people will want to hack Whatsapp account.
Yes, this is possible and there are three methods you can use.

Method 1: Using Copy9 to hack someone’s Whatsapp

Copy9 is the first method on our list. Basically, it is a full-size app which allows you to get a complete access to a targeted device.
In recent months, we have been able to see a huge increase in the number of users. They are parents, spouses and business owners, among others.
The main idea behind the app in question was to provide safety and security, rather than to use it for plain smartphone hacking, which is something we prefer.
Yes, you can still hack Whatsapp messages and read them whenever you want.
Perhaps all of this spends complicated, but the real procedure is more than just simple. In essence, you will have to:
  • Download the Copy9
  • Install it on targeted device
  • Login to your control panel on a PC
  • Done
As you can see, the entire process takes no more than 5 minutes of your time.
It is specifically developed to be simple enough for average users and those who don’t even fully understand smartphones and how they work.
The bottom line is yes, you will be able to use it without a problem.
Here it should be mentioned that there is no risk of being detected!
The app works by connecting to the operating system and literally becoming part of it.
As such, the app has all the access to the OS on your phone, obviously.
The app cannot be detected by antivirus, malware software or on any other way.
Hard reset of a device won’t delete the app as well. At the end, we can add Copy9 is the safest app to use.
Besides the hack Whatsapp online feature, Copy9 offers plenty of additional features!
  • Besides the fact you will be able to read Whatsapp messages, the app allows you to read messages and monitor calls performed via other apps. All messenger apps are supported.
  • Tracking the GPS location is possible as well. The app will determine the exact location of a smartphone within a matter of seconds.
  • It is accurate within 10 feet! Even if the GPS option isn’t activated on a smartphone, the Copy9 will activate it and use it. The feature is essential for severe and dangerous issues.
  • Monitoring internet activities is just another feature. Although Whatsapp tracker option is associated with the internet, the feature here is a bit different.
  • Basically, it allows for the user to block access to the web, limit it or check out what has been visited via the targeted device.
  • The full list of features is significantly long. In general, you will be able to hack Whatsapp chat historymonitor call, all messages, internet activity, GPS, detecting when a SIM card is changed and many other features.
Customer support is guaranteed and also more than just decent, which isn’t a case with apps of this kind!
The best part, you get a free trial, without a need to enter your credit card. If you don’t like it, after 48 hours simply delete the app and you are done.
However, most users who tried the free trial, have been using Copy9 ever since.

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Method 2: Hack Whatsapp messages without access to phone

How actually safe Whatsapp and similar apps are?
You may believe that they are bulletproof, but they aren’t! As a matter of fact, both, Whatsapp and Telegram were able to be hacked by a single photo, yes, just one ordinary photo.
Both of these companies issue a new patch recently which should prevent this issue.
According to the latest details, hackers were able to hack these accounts by sending a photo to a user.
Of course, a photo had to be opened, after which hack would be performed.
The severity of this issue means that your account can be hacked within a matter of seconds.
If you are looking for a way how to hack someone’s Whatsapp without their phone this is the method for you.

So, how this method actually works?

Video Demonstration:
The researchers also provided a video demonstration, given below which shows the attack in action.
In order to complete it, you will have to insert a malicious code into a photo.
Once a user opens that photo, the code will infect the device, allowing you a complete access.
Within a matter of seconds, you can have a complete control over Whatsapp or Telegram, depending on which app you targeted.
The explanation lies in the process how both of these apps treat media files.
The same applies to videos and documents, by the way. In essence, Whatsapp doesn’t check the files for malware.
It directly allows to the users to open, view and store a photo or a video.
In other words, the app will literally allow access of malware into a device. After which the account is hacked.
A bit more detailed explanation is required here. Telegram, Whatsapp, and a few other apps use the same type of encryption.
It means that an app won’t be aware of the message or a file which is sent to a device until it validates it.
However, the opening is the first step here and only then a message is validated. In plain words, Whatsapp doesn’t realize what has been actually received until it is too late.
Still, want to know how to hack a Whatsapp account using this method?
Well, it may be still working among users who haven’t upgraded their Whatsapp.
Surprisingly, there are more than 60% of users who avoid or upgrade their apps as late as possible.
Just in case, you will need a piece of code which can be implemented into a photo or a video.
Once a victim opens the file, the code will spread through the device and infect it. Then, you will have a full control over the app.
You can read the messages check out the contacts, delete anything you want and get access to private images and files!
This method does require knowledge of coding and it is one of the most complicated out there, simply due to the fact you will have to adapt the code according to several parameters.
On the other hand, the main advantage is in the further hacking capabilities.
In essence, once a hacked user sends the same photo to another, he will be hacked as well.
This creates an impressive chain of hacked users, which can be more than just long.

Method 3: WhatsApp Backdoor allows Hackers to Intercept and Read Your Encrypted Messages

This method is perhaps the most appealing of them all. In essence, it uses a “backdoor” flaw.
Some say it is a severe mistake, while others claim it is an additional feature.
Anyway, it allows to you to hack Whatsapp and to read, by intercepting the messages between users. Backdoor is used by Whatsapp, Telegram, and a few more apps.
First of all, we should explain the end-to-end encryption. It means that you, as a user will send an encrypted message to another person.
Only after it is received, it will be decrypted and readable. Whatsapp introduced this feature in 2012 and then became the most secure app of them all. Sadly, it looks like it isn’t so secure.
Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, and if we know that this giant allows to the central intelligence agencies to spy on their users, we can deduce that Whatsapp shares the same flaw.
That’s why the backdoor feature exists. Originally, it has been developed for central intelligence agencies, but at the same time, it is something that hackers can use.
Furthermore, Whatsapp end-to-end encryption works on “trust”. The company uses a secure server to process the messages, but according to the user agreement, they can change any of the rules at any given moment.
Basically, Whatsapp can choose to share your messages with others and you won’t know about it!

How this actually works?

The vulnerability relies on the way WhatsApp behaves when an end user’s encryption key changes.
Basically, we have a scenario between users A and a person B.
When a person A sends a few messages to the person B, the Whatsapp on that device will decrypt the messages and allow for the user to read them.
But, when a user B replaces the device, he will also be able to get and read those messages.
This is possible due to the fact Whatsapp choose to update and modify the private keys, needed for decryption at any given moment, without informing the user.
Now, you as a hacker will be user C. You will modify the private key of a user B and insert your own.
By doing so, you will directly be able to read messages of user A. Whatsapp spy app that can do it for you isn’t so complicated to use, after all.
Here we have another advantage of this method. Facebook, which owns Whatsapp didn’t solve this issue since 2016. It is obvious that it will stay available in the future as well.
All of this means that you, as a hacker will be able to exploit this method in the near future. Using Whatsapp tracker online and using this method will give impressive results.
Some believe that backdoor feature is used as a feature to eliminate the need for constant privacy key verification, which is annoying. Instead, Whatsapp will do it instead of you.
But, Signal private messenger, which uses the same technology is immune to this issue, simply due to the fact it requires physical verification.
If you are a decent hacker, you will be able to exploit this method or better said this drawback of the Whatsapp.
After all, it is introduced to allow for agencies to spy on users, which means that hackers, including yourself, can use it for the same reason.

Conclusion:  The best way to hack Whatsapp is to use Copy9

At the end, we must choose the best or better said the most efficient way to spy on Whatsapp.
Obviously, it is Copy9 app. First of all, it is so easy to use that you don’t need any, precious knowledge or anything else.
Even if you are an average user, you won’t have any difficulties with it. Then we have the fact you will get additional features, which directly makes you the “owner” of a targeted device.
On average, you will need around 5 minutes from the time you will download the app, install it and read the first Whatsapp messages.
None of other two methods can provide you this. Once you are done with the process, you can remotely remove the app from the targeted device and there won’t be any pieces of evidence you have ever used it.
The second method is a bit more demanding. You will need to know the essence of coding.
But, this isn’t something you can learn at school or at some other place.
You will have to be born for this and you will need to understand the matter without the help of anyone else.
Also, once users upgrade the app, you won’t be able to use this method anymore.
The third, backdoor method is still possible and it will stay possible ever since, due to the fact Facebook refuses to change the privacy terms!
In other words, you will be able to use it as long as you want. But, this method is also complicated and probably even more demanding than the second one here.
So, if you choose to use it, take your time, learn the matter and only then try it. By the way, this method can be detected easily by users!

At the end, we should repeat that the best and the easiest way is to use Copy9. It doesn’t require any of the requirements other two methods do, but it offers even better result.


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